Shop at and Donate to UPAANC Berkeley AA at No Additional Cost!


On behalf of the UPAANC, I invite you to follow the below instructions to sign-up with Amazon Smiles program and designate University of the Philippines Almn Assc Northern CA Berkeley Chap Inc as your charity. By doing so, Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the UPAANC. The donation is seamlessly deposited to our AA bank account without any additional expense nor action on your part.

The UPAANC Berkeley Chapter is a duly-registered California non-profit organization that benefits deserving students, faculty and the alma mater back home in the Philippines.

To those of you who shop online via, please consider using Amazon Smile and choose University of the Philippines Almn Assc Northern CA Berkeley Chap Inc as your favorite charity. This is at no extra cost to you when you shop at

  1. Click on this link: About AmazonSmile: Program details and FAQ for information about Amazon Smile.
  2. On your web browser, type and create an account. If you are already an Amazon account holder, login by typing in your email or username followed by your password.
  3. Choose your Charity: search for University of the Philippines Almn Assc Northern CA Berkeley Chap Inc. Note: you can type University of the Philippines only but make sure that you pick the correct organization because there are several University of the Philippines organizations available. As I recall, UPAANC Berkeley organization is on the second page and, as previously mentioned, is listed as University of the Philippines Almn Assc Northern CA Berkeley Chap Inc.
  4. Once your Charity is chosen, every time you shop at UPAANC Berkeley Chapter will receive a small donation from your total purchase amount — at no additional cost to you!

Thank you in advance for supporting UPAANC Berkeley Chapter!

Author: Web Admin